Sunday, January 29, 2006

Vegetable life

kind of funny title ? well recently i m really kind of planing some veges, every day i will water them twice a day. Finally one day they are all grown up and ready to be plucked and serve their purpose. its really good to plant them for cooking, really saves a lot to money and tis healthy too !

THe 2 nd pic is Mr. moon preparing to cook the vegetables , he does't cook much but he is really nice to me . actually this is before majilis Silaturahim. i just wish everyone can share my joy of planting and eating own vegetables ,

Majlis Silaturahim

Hello long time haven update my blog again. this time a real big thing to report !! its about the annual Majlis Silaturahim, a ocassion where we can show our talents. THis year, my class the final year students really had the shortest time to practice and guess what ? we got first!! Its was so unexpected !!

i was really happy to be the snake gal, but some ppl said i was a big " spot light" so sorry la . i was not a good actor wahtsoever.

THe 2nd pic is me and my good friends, from left wei yee , me, jun and joshua. we were cutting costumes for aboo the big foot.

well this is the first time we ever got first place and won the piala Prof Ali Rajion and no doubt the last also. ( wonder did they give us out of sympathy? ) Well never mind, cheers for all dvm 5 !!