Thursday, December 15, 2005

DId you lost your love somewhere ?

Have you lost something and couldn't find it back ?

Like love...... Like trust

Like sense of belonging to someone/someplace

Like something beautiful you have been planning for so long

and the loneliness set in. It creeps in like a natural thing, you just counldn't even realise it . You will look at the falling leaves and feel you are falling. You will look at colours that are seem fading ,and disappointment on faces of people walking down the streets everyday. You will sleep , waiting to wake up to find yourself still in a dream. Voices speaking to you seemed from another world. You scanned the earth and universe to find that something you lose, concentrating but you get fed up easily. "enough of this stupid world"you said to yourself and close yourself in. Nobody cares , you don care and who knows when is this ending.

This is how you feel when you fall out of love. But don worry, it will be over very soon, at least sooner then you thought.

I wrote this for ppl who are hurt in relationship or lost their partners. Pls give comments :P

Sunday, December 11, 2005

My 24th birthday

There goes the father clock, tickling away to my 24th Bday. So waht, just another Bday mah. Well , me and my sis and my special friend went to watch Emperor Journey the documentary .very touching that it is the male penguin that help to protect and incubate the egg from the stormy and snowy antartica. see how we pose beside the poster ? hee see how pretty my sis is . ( P/s she is older you know) you think she look young ? well a lot of ppl thinks she is 20. and she is married sorry la guys. and the 2nd pic is the next movie we want to catch.

Most happy of all, i got nice presents, a nice blue watch, a extraodinary bag pack and a cute little soft toy- little white pup. i guess i couldn ask for more, could i ?

finally a new post- Rockhopper penguin

Very sorry for not updating my blog for so long, but sometimes i doubt i have many readers, well hope this is something interesting..

During end of Nov i went to underwater world Langkawi to catch penguin. hee just joking , i went there to collect blood samples from rockhopper penguin.

See how cute they are , with short necks and fat bodies and they are called rockhopper cause they actually hope from one rock to another.. i wish i can keep one as a pet....

one of the picture shows how we restraint them to collect the blood from the web vein.. poor things , i can see they really don like it .

That was a real good experience for me . There are not many in Malaysia who have the chance to hug penguins, aren't there? heehee .......